국제화 프로그램

HUBS 해외 교환학생 프로그램


교류범위 나라 파견기관 인원 지원내역 파견기관
학부 Belgium Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, Université Libre de Bruxelles 0명 본교 전액 등록/상대교 전액 면제 매년 봄/가을학기
1학기 또는 1년
(파견 대학 상황에 따라 변동 가능)
Canada Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University
Canada Alberta School of Business, University of Alberta
Croatia Facutly of Economics, Busienss and Tourisum, University of Split
France Burgundy School of Business
France Grenoble Ecole de Management
France IESEG School of Management, Lille Catholic University
France ICN Business School
France University of Montpellier
Italy Bocconi University
Italy University of Parma
Mexico Campus Guadalajara, Tecnológico de Monterrey
Monaco The International University of Monaco
Morocco ESCA School of Management
Portugal Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics, Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Thailand Khon Kaen Business School, Khon Kaen University
USA College of Business, Florida State University
USA University of South Alabama
Vietnam Foreign Trade University
일반대학원 Canada Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University
Croatia Facutly of Economics, Busienss and Tourisum, University of Split
Italy University of Parma
Portugal Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics, Universidade Católica Portugusa
Vietnam Foreign Trade University
MBA USA University of South Alabama


교류범위 나라 파견기관 인원 지원내역 파견기관
학부+대학원 USA Paul Merage Business School, University of California, Irvine 0명 Temple 성적 장학금(성적 우수자 한정) 매년 가을학기
본교 3.5년(학사) + 상대교 1.5년(학석사) 수학 후 학사 및 석사 학위 취득
USA The Commonwealth Systerm of Higher Education, Temple University     
USA Thunderbird School of Global Management, Arizona State University Thunderbird 자체 장학금 및 동문 장학금


교류범위 나라 파견기관 인원 지원내역 파견기관
대학원 Czech Faculty of Business Administration, University of Economics, Prague 0명 학교 별 지원 내역 상이 매년 가을학기
France ICN Business School
Italy University of Parma
MBA USA University of Houston
USA California State University, Los Angeles
USA Thunderbird School of Global Management, Arizona State University
France IDRAC Business School